Full Stack Developer
* Zero Evaluation Fee
Proficiency In: React.js, Redux, React Native, Node.js, Angular, Symfony, Java J2ee
Experience In: PHP, Symfony Framework, Twig Template engine, JavaScript, SQL Query, Postman, Rest API, HTML5, CSS3, AJAX, Bootstrap, Webpack, GIT, Usability Testing, CI CD Deployment, Jenkins Deployment
Databases: MongoDB, Relational, Postgres(SQL),NoSQL, ORMs, PHP
Methodologies: Agile, Waterfall
Application Servers: IBM WebSphere, WebLogic, Tomcat
Operating Systems: Windows, Mac OS, Unix, Ubuntu
Healthcare communication management System[]
Technology: React.js, Java J2ee, React Native, Jhispter, Redux, Saga
Web App Platform’s Features:
Mobile App Platform’s Features: Mobile platform for patient to connect with physician, with communication, surveys and activity progress. provide SAAS for third party integration.
Risk Operation App
Technologies: Node.js, Custom Implemented Redux, React Native and React.js
Descriptions: Mobile application has been developed using react native and web admin panel developed using react. It has a module of chat communication from web and app both, Task management process, Risk assessment based on questionnaire.
Technologies: Node.js, Redux, React.js, React Native
Descriptions: React Web admin panel and React native Mobile app developed. Core features of the project are document management, access and security management related to documents according to role and user right access.
Technologies: Reactjs, Redux, CakePHP
Descriptions: Platform for taking surveys used by Mercedes, BMW, Twin Tower etc.
Quiz / Survey Platform has been created with React and used exported build in PHP pages.
API Backend Service for Real estate Mobile Application
Technology: React.js, Redux, React Native, PHP
Descriptions: Real estate management project includes mobile application build using react native and API has been developed using PHP Symfony Framework. Web admin portal build using react as FE tech stack.
MerQury ECommerce Trading Card Platform
Technology: React.js, Node JS (express)
Descriptions: Ecommerce trading card platform, provides the platform to create trophy rooms by selling, buying or making owned trading cards on auction. React time chat integration for buyer and seller, Guest and authenticated user flow from login, adding to cart and doing payment and managing order.
Online Catalog Manager for Products
Technology: React.js, Java J2ee, React Native
Descriptions: Ecommerce Platform for kitchen and bathroom solutions.